Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper complaining against the high price of essential commodities.


 The editor

  The stateman

  Kolkata 700001

         Sub: The high price at essential             commodities



      I shall be highly greatful if you be kind enough to allow me a litter space in the columns of your famous daily to lodge a protest against the unfailingly regular the high price at essential commodities.

              The recent price rise has become a headache to most at the people and it is now impossible for people to make both ends meet. It has hit hard the low and middle class people. Not to speak at meat or fish, even the price of vegetables are increasing everyday. The price of clothes, medicine and other essential commodities are also increasing by leaps and bounds. All these have made the lite at common people, miserable.

                    I therefore request you write an editoral note to create a strong public opinion against such the high price at essential commodities. So that the government is forced to take a step again it. 

    Your address                     Your faithfully

                                                     Your name



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