List of Synonyms and antonyms part 4

Word : Eager

Synonyms: Ardent, keen impatient

Antonyms : Unconcerned, passive, lazy

Word : Early

Synonyms: Soon, presently

Antonyms : Late, slow, past, delayed

Word : Earn

Synonyms: Gain, get, benefit, obtain

Antonyms : Spend, miss, waste, fail

Word : Earnest

Synonyms: steady, eager, security

Antonyms : Unstable, frivolous, trifling

Word : Earth

Synonyms: Planet, globe, world, soil

Antonyms : 

Word : Easy

Synonyms: Comfortable, restful, smooth

Antonyms : Difficult, harsh, anxious

Word : Ebb

Synonyms: Decay, sink, retire, regress

Antonyms : Increase, flow, advance

Word : Eccentric

Synonyms: Abnormal, odd, unnatural

Antonyms : Normal, ordinary, regular

Word : Educated

Synonyms: Civilized, cultured, trained

Antonyms : Untrained, ignorant, uncultured

Word : Effective

Synonyms: Able, active, fruitful, potent

Antonyms : Useless, inactive, weak

Word : Effort

Synonyms: Try, attempt, trial

Antonyms : Passive, inert, submission

Word : Egoism

Synonyms: Self-importance, vanity

Antonyms : Self-denying, noble, generous

Word : Elation

Synonyms: Rapture, ecstasy, delight

Antonyms : Depression, sadness, dejection

Word : Elect

Synonyms: Choose, select, prefer

Antonyms : Reject, remove, condemn

Word : Elegance

Synonyms: Polish, grace, propriety

Antonyms : Clumsiness, roughness

Word : Elementary

Synonyms: Basic, important, simple

Antonyms : Secondary, auxiliary, higher

Word : Elephantine

Synonyms: Vast, huge, big, gigantic

Antonyms : Small, minute, narrow

Word : Elevate

Synonyms: Raise, support, lift

Antonyms : Debase, shame, reduce

Word : Eligible

Synonyms: Fit, qualified, suitable

Antonyms : Unfit, unqualified, unworthy

Word : Eliminate

Synonyms: Remove, destroy, erase

Antonyms : Erect, accept, establish

Word : Elusive

Synonyms: Elusory, deceptive, evading

Antonyms : Real, true, stable, factual

Word : Embody

Synonyms: Combine, collect, combine

Antonyms : Scatter, exclude, dismember

Word : Emotional

Synonyms: Touchy, sensitive, warm

Antonyms : Cold, insensitive, apathetic

Word : Employment

Synonyms: Craft, profession, business

Antonyms : Unemployment

Word : Empty

Synonyms : Vacant, desolate, evacuate

Antonyms : Full, populate, crowded

Word : Encourage

Synonyms : Inspire, excite, rouse

Antonyms : discourage, dampen, reject

Word : End

Synonyms : Finish, close, terminate

Antonyms : Start, birth, opening

Word : Endanger

Synonyms : Expose, peril, risk

Antonyms : Protect, save, defend

Word : Endless

Synonyms : Continuous, boundless

Antonyms : Brief, limited, short

Word : Endure

Synonyms : Bear, sustain, tolerate

Antonyms : Enjoy

Word : Enemy

Synonyms : Rival, foe, opponent

Antonyms : Friend, supporter, ally

Word : Engage

Synonyms : Busy, employ, attack

Antonyms : Disengage, fire

Word : Enlarge

Synonyms : Grow, augment, increase

Antonyms : Limit, shorten, reduce

Word : Enmity

Synonyms : Discord, hostility, rivalry

Antonyms : Affection, amity, love

Word : Enormous

Synonyms : Vast, colossal, large

Antonyms : Small, short, dwarf

Word : Enterprise

Synonyms : Attempt, effort, boldness

Antonyms : Inactivity, timidity cowardice

Word : Entire

Synonyms : Whole, Full, total, complete

Antonyms : Divided, broken, partial

Word : Entrance

Synonyms : Entry, approach, door

Antonyms : Exit, vent, demise, death

Word : Envelop

Synonyms : Warp, enfold, cover

Antonyms : Uncover, expose, display

Word : Equal

Synonyms : Alike, equivalent, compeer

Antonyms : Unequal, unlike, uneven

Word : Erect

Synonyms : Make, build

Antonyms : Ruin, demolish, raze

Word : Escape

Synonyms : Avoid, slip, evade

Antonyms : Arrest, capture, seize

Word : Essential

Synonyms : Vital, compulsory, inherent

Antonyms : Minor, lesser, trivial, secondary

Word : Establish

Synonyms : Settle, erect, constitute

Antonyms : Unsettle, closely, deny, uproot

Word : Eternal

Synonyms : Ever, continual, endless

Antonyms : Finite, irregular, random

Word : Evident

Synonyms : Clear, plain, visible

Antonyms : Hidden, obstruse, vague

Word : Evil

Synonyms : Bad, Harmful, wrong, ill

Antonyms : Moral, good, right, ethical

Word : Excess

Synonyms : Too much, avoidance

Antonyms : Lack, limited, moderation

Word : Exchange

Synonyms : Change, traffic, trade

Antonyms : 

Word : Excuse

Synonyms : Clear, forgive, pardon

Antonyms : Accuse, blame involve

Word : Expand

Synonyms : Amplify, open, unfold

Antonyms : Close, contract, condense

Word : Expensive

Synonyms : Costly, wasteful, dear

Antonyms : cheap, economical, reasonable

Word : Expose

Synonyms : Bare, uncover, unmask

Antonyms : Conceal, hide, protect

Word : External

Synonyms : Outer, visible, foreign

Antonyms : Inner, internal, interior

Word : Extinct

Synonyms : Defunct, finished, dead

Antonyms : Active, living, surviving

Word : Extreme

Synonyms : Outermost, last, ultimate

Antonyms : Moderate, common, mild

Word : Exuberance

Synonyms : Excess, profusion, plenty

Antonyms : Scarce, lack, need


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