Prepositions definition types and example


 A preposition is placed before a noun (pronoun) to connect it with other word in a sentence. It shows place, position, time and method.

Prepositions is a very important part of English grammar. It is most confusing but very interesting part of English grammar. It may help you in different exam like UPSC, WBCS, SSC and many others.

Classification of prepositions: 

Prepositions are of six types . Namely,

A. Simple preposition

B. Double preposition

C. Compound preposition

D. Phrase preposition

E. Participle preposition 

F. Disguised preposition

A. Simple preposition : 

                                          Simple prepositions are short or little word that express relationship including those of time, degree and space.

E. g- With, by, at, through, under, from, since, of, about, above, after, without off, until, till, into etc are examples of simple prepositions.

Use of simple prepositions in sentence (Example) : 

1. He has cut his finger with a knife.

2. She will arrive at 11 a.m.

3. It has been raining since Sunday last.

4. The bridge is built over the river.

5. The cat is on the table.

6. She is annoyed at my conduct.

B. Double preposition : 

                                          When a preposition is made by combining two simple prepositions is called double preposition.

E. g.- into, onto, from among, from under, from within, from off etc. are examples of double prepositions.

Use of double preposition in sentence (examples) : 

1.  He came from within the house.

2. The lamp fell onto the table.

3. The secretary was chosen from among the members present.

4. A live coal was taken from off the even.

C. Compound preposition : 

                           When more than one prepositions join together and use as a preposition is called compound preposition.

E. g. - Across, along, behind, about, within, without, beneath, between, beyond etc.

Use of Compound prepositions in sentence (example) : 

1. The road is along the river.

2. The man is standing beneath the tree.

3. A mountain is visible beyond the river.

4. There is  nobody within the house.

5. She is walking across the road.

D. Phrase preposition : 

                       When a groups of word are use as a preposition is called phrase preposition.

E. g. - Because of, with a view to, in the event of, in the place of, in lieu of, instead of, on account of, in opposite to etc.

Use of phrase preposition in sentence (example) : 

1. He succeeded by means of hard work.

2. You will get books in lieu of the medal.

3. The meeting will not be held in the event of his not coming.

4. He has gone to Darjeeling with a view to writing a new book.

E. Participle preposition

                               Some present perticiple and past perticiple are use as preposition is called participle preposition.

E. g. - Regarding, considering, barring, past, pending, during etc.

Use of participle preposition in sentence ( example) : 

1. The river flows past the room.

2. Barring accidents, the train will arrive on time.

3. Pending any fresh instruction, he will be in charge of the school. 

F. Disguised preparation : 

                                 A disguised preposition is a preposition that is not directly used or implemented in a sentence but is mentioned indirectly.


E. g. - The examples of disguised prepositions are “a” and “o”. “On” changed into “a”, and “of” can be changed into “o” respectively

Use of Disguised preparation in sentence (example): 

1. We planned to go a hunting  (On hunting) in the forest.

2. The morning beings with 7 O'clock. (Of clock).

In order to get hold over this tropic, you need to do a lot of practice. You need to learn use of Prepositions and then undergo a lot of Practice work. 


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