Phrasal verbs in English

 Some verbs take an adverb or preposition or both after them and make a new meaning of the verb .Such a combination is called phrasal verb or group verbs.

Some examples of phrasal verb:

1.Act for - Behalf

2.Act upon -Relied

3.Act up -Behave badly

4.Act from- From

5.Bear on -Tolerate

6.Bear off -Carry

7.Bear away -Win

8.bear with -tolerate

9.break in -Entered by force

10.break up -End

11.break out -Appear

12.bring up -Rear

13.Bring forth -Produce at - Stop on -Meet upon - Order

17.Call up -Remember

18.Call out -Shout

19.Carry away -Driven by

20. Carry on -Continue

21.Carry through -Pass

22.Carry through -Complete

23.Cast aside -Reject

24.Cast away -Reject

25. Cast up -Reckon

26. Come about -Happen

27.Come by -Get

28.Come of -Born

29.Come round -Recover

30. Cry down -Decry

31.Cry to - Beg

32.Cry up - Praise

33.Cut out -Omit

34.Deal in -Trade

35.Deal with -Behave

36.Draw up -Draft

37.Draw on -Money withdraw

38.Fall in With -Agree

39.Fall on -Attack

40.Fall out -Quarrel

41.Fall to -Start

42.Get about -Spread

43.Get up -Rise

44.Get together -Meet together

45.Give away -Distribute

46.Give in -Surrender 

47.Give off -Emit

48.Give up -Leave

49.Go after -Follow

50.Go behind -Search

51.Go off -Explode

52.Go in for -Become

53.Go into -Enter

54.Go on -Continue

55.Go with -Agree

56.Go without -Devoid

57.Hang on -Depend 

58.Hang back -Hesitate

59.Make after -Chase

60.Make against -Harm

61.Make at -Attack

62.Make away -Kill

63.Make up -Complete

64.Make up- Compose 

65.Makr up -Decide

66.Make out -Understand 

67.Make of -Construct

68.Pass away -Die

69.Pass up -Refuse

70.Pass out -Unconscious

71.Put down -Suppress

72.Put in -Claim

73.Put off -Postpone 

74.Put on -Wear

75. Put out -Extinguish

76.Put out -Produce

77.Put together -Assemble

78.Put up -Raise

79.Put up -Stay

80.Put up -Hoist

81.Put up -Build

82.Put up with -Tolerate

83.Run across -Meet

84.Run at -Attack

85.Run away -Fled

86. Run away with -Fled

87.Run into -Edition

88.Run off -Escape

89.Run on -Elapse

90.Run out -Exhaust

91.Run over -Smash

92.Run through -Pierce

93.Run up -Hoist

94.Run upon -Concentrate

95.Stand by -Support

96.Stand aside -Withdraw

97.Stand down -Withdraw

98.Take aback -Shock

99.Take back -Withdraw

100.Take by -Hold

101. Take against - hostile

102. Take off - Remove

103. Take over - Discuss thoroughly

104. Turn on - Start

105. Turn off - Stop

106. Turn over - Change, upset

107. Turn out - Prove, reveal

108. Turn up - To arrive, appear

109. Turn in - Sleep

110. Turn to - Depend

111. Turn upon - Attack

112. Work at - Engage

113. Work up - incite

114. Work upon - influence

115. Work in - Enter

116. Work upon - Influence

117. Work out - To solve

118. Write off - Cancel

119. Wipe out - Destroy

120. Wipe away - Remove

121. Watch out - Careful

122. Wind up - Being to an end


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