List of idioms and phrases starting with 'A'


List of important idioms and phrases with their meaning

1. A.B.C - Primary knowledge

2. Above all - more than anything else

3. After all - inspite of everything

4. Again and again -                                                     repeatedly

5. A lot of - Much, a great deal

6. A man of letters - A                                        scholarly person

7. A man of parts - Very                                              intelligent

8. A man of the world - A                                     worldly person

9. A man of his word - A man                      true to his promise

10. A dead letter - Useless                                            document

11. Add fuel to the flame -                                                    incite

12. Apple of one's eye - A person of whom another is very fond

13. An open secret - A known but undeclared fact

14. All along - All the time

15. All at once - Suddenly

16. All but - Nearly

17. All day long - Throughout                                  the day 

18. All Greek - Totally                                           unintelligible

19. All in all - Supreme

20. All the same - Having no difference

21. All the while - All the time

22. All and sundry - Everyone

23. All of a sudden - Suddenly

24. All over with - End of

25. A lame excuse - An excuse or plea without any validity

26. A fish out of water - Out of one's elements

27. As it were - Like 

28. AS a rule - Regularly

29. As if - As it would be / as it                                               were

30. As a metter of fact - Truly 


31. At all - By no means

32. At a loss - At one's wit's                                                     end

33. At any cost - By any means

34. At arm's length - At a                                               distance.     

35. At/On a stretch - Without                      break/continuously

36. At all events - In all cases

37. At all risks - At all costs

38. At any rate - Irrespective                          of circumstance

39. At best at the best - No                                          more than 

40. At daggers drawn - At                                         bitter enemy

41. At easy - Without any                                 difficulty

42. At one's elbow - At one's                          side/by one's side

43. At bottom - Basically

44. At hand - Close to one's                                                 hand

45. At home - Comfortable

46. At home in - to be                                                comfortable

47. At length -                                           Elaborately/eventually

48. At one's back and call - Always ready at one's command

49. At one's finger ends -                                      Ready to hand

50. At one's wit's end - In a state of bewilderment

51. At one's heels - Closely                                             following

52. At issue - Bring discussed

53. At large - Freely

54. At random -                                                      Unsystamically

55. At sixes and sevens - In a                          chaotic condition 

56. At snake - In danger

57. At the cost of - At the                                              expense of

58. At the eleventh hour - At the ultimate moment

59. At the point of - On the brink of

60. At times - Now and then

61. At the root of - At the                                             bottom of

62. At the top of - Very loudly

63. At the latest - Not later                                        than

64. At one's disposal - Under                                  one authority

65. At no time - Never

66. At dead if night - Deep in                                       the night

67. At the mercy of - At one's                                      discretion

68. At a stone's throw - Very                                               close

69. At variance with - Not in                        consistency with

70. At all events - At any case

71. At bay - Cornered


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