List of synonyms and antonyms part 1

 Word : Abandon

 Synonyms : Desert,leave,give up,vacate

 Antonyms : Carry on,hold,defend, continue

Word : Abate

Synonyms : Decrease, reduce, mitigate

Antonyms : Increase, multiply, augment

Word : Abbreviate

Synonyms : Abridge, reduce,shorten

Antonyms : Expand, enlarge, magnify

Word : Abdicate

Synonyms : Forgo, give up, yield

Antonyms : Usurp, seize, retain

Word : Abet

Synonyms : increase, promote, support

Antonyms : Stop, arrest , check

Word : Abhor

Synonyms : detest, hate, abdominate

Antonyms : love, like, enjoy, admire

Word : Ability

Synonyms : Capacity, Skill, Talent

Antonyms : inept, inability, weakness

Word : Abject

Synonyms : Shameful, ignoble, base, vile

Antonyms : Noble, grand, gentle, royal

Word : Able

Synonyms : capable, expert, strong

Antonyms : incompetent, weak, raw

Word : Abnormal

Synonyms : eccentric, erratic, odd, unusual

Antonyms : normal, ordinary, regular, usual

Word : Abortive

Synonyms : Futile, vain, useless, idle

Antonyms : successful, fruitful, victorious

Word : Abrupt

Synonyms : blunt, rough, curt, hasty

Antonyms : courteous, polite, gradual

Word : Absence

Synonyms : omission, lack, want, defect

Antonyms : presence, existence, attendance

Word : Absolve

Synonyms : Pardon, exempt, excuse

Antonyms : imprison, oblige, convict

Word : Abstract

Synonyms : immaterial, shadowy, intangible

Antonyms : exact, actual, tangible

Word : Absurd

Synonyms : foolish, silly, stupid

Antonyms : wise, meaningful, sensible

Word : Abundance

Synonyms : riches, wealth, fullness

Antonyms : lack, need, dearth

Word : Abuse

Synonyms : Spoil, harm, wrong, misuse

Antonyms : Protect, respect, acclaim

Word : Accede

Synonyms : assent, agree, accept

Antonyms : reject, refuse, disagree

Word : Accept

Synonyms : grant, take, approve, obtain

Antonyms : refuse, deny, disapprove, reject

Word : Acclaim

Synonyms : praise, welcome, approve, 

Antonyms : reject, condemn, disapprove

Word : Accomplish

Synonyms : Realize, complete, attain

Antonyms : give up, fail, forsake

Word : Accord

Synonyms : agree, allow, award

Antonyms : conflict, discord, disagree

Word : Accuracy

Synonyms : precision, fidelity, correctness

Antonyms : inaccuracy

Word : Accuse

Synonyms : blame, impeach, charge

Antonyms : guard, praise, approval

Word : Achieve

Synonyms : win, gain, accomplish

Antonyms : fail, miscarry, miss

Word : Achievement

Synonyms : success, completion

Antonyms : failure, defeat

Word : Acknowledge

Synonyms : allow, return, own, declare

Antonyms : deny, renounce, disown

Word : Acrid

Synonyms :  biting, harsh, sharp

Antonyms : mild, gentle, kind

Word : Act 

Synonyms : Perform, work ,law, mime

Antonyms : lazy, ldle

Word : Active 

Synonyms : moving, prompt, energetic

Antonyms : lazy, idle, sleepy, dull

Word : Actual

Synonyms : real, tangible, genuine

Antonyms : unreal, false, supposed

Word : Acute

Synonyms : brilliant, keen, serious

Antonyms : soft, docile, flexible

Word : Addiction

Synonyms : habit, craving, bent

Antonyms : dislike, aversion, abomination

Word : Addition

Synonyms : increase, totalling, accessory

Antonyms : removal, deduction, subtraction

Word : Address

Synonyms : house, lecture, residence

Antonyms : ignore, avoid, pass by

Word : Adhere

Synonyms : support, own, follow, maintain

Antonyms : deny, disobey, change

Word : Adjust

Synonyms : reconcile, settle, conform

Antonyms : disconnect, displace

Word : Admire

Synonyms : praise, adore, approval

Antonyms : reject, decry, disapprove

Word : Admit

Synonyms : permit, allow, take, accept

Antonyms : deny, disallow, dispute

Word : Admonish

Synonyms : chide, warn, advise

Antonyms : approve

Word : Adopt

Synonyms : follow, support, accept

Antonyms : reject, renounce, discard

Word : Adore

Synonyms : praise, admire, love

Antonyms : dislike, hate, scorn

Word : Adult

Synonyms : mature, ripe, developed

Antonyms : immature, unripe, undeveloped

Word : Advance

Synonyms : upgrade, increase, progress

Antonyms : recede, decrease, regress

Word : Advantage

Synonyms : gain, help, boon

Antonyms : loss, disadvantage, inferiority

Word : Adverse

Synonyms : hostile, damaging, opposite

Antonyms : favourite, advantageous, suitable

Word : Adversity

Synonyms : sorrow, woe, distress, calmity

Antonyms : bliss, good luck, happiness

Word: Affable

Synonyms : genial, civil, warm

Antonyms : hostile, cold, dull, drab

Word : Affection

Synonyms : care, love, attachment

Antonyms : negligence, dislike, hatred

Word : Affinity

Synonyms : closeness, relationship, similarly

Antonyms : dislike, apathy, disinclination

Word : Affirm

Synonyms : assert, avow, confirm

Antonyms : deny, reject, refute

Word : Affluence

Synonyms : prosperity, plenty, wealth 

Antonyms : deprivation, want, poverty

Word : Affront

Synonyms : outrage, insult, annoy

Antonyms : respect, welcome, please

Word : Afraid

Synonyms : fearful, timid, frightened

Antonyms : brave, bold, daring, spirited

Word : Against

Synonyms : hostile, unfavorable, opposing

Antonyms : friendly, favourable, sympathetic

Word : Aggravate

Synonyms : increase, provoke, worsen

Antonyms : lessen, soothe, mitigate

Word : Aggression

Synonyms : attack, assault, raid

Antonyms : mildness, warmth, calmness

Word : Agile

Synonyms : quick, swift, nimble

Antonyms : lazy, slow, awkward

Word : Agony

Synonyms : suffering, pain, misery

Antonyms : ease, joy, peace

Word : Agree

Synonyms : allow, admit, permit

Antonyms : disallow, disagree, discord

Word : Alert

Synonyms : lively, quick, active

Antonyms : inactive, unwary, lazy

Word : Ample

Synonyms : plenty, abundant, profuse

Antonyms : small, little, scanty

Word : Ancient

Synonyms : old, aged, archaic

Antonyms : recent, new, modern

Word : Appeal

Synonyms : request, pray, beg

Antonyms : refuse, revolt, deny

Word : Applicable

Synonyms : suitable, useful, relevant

Antonyms : useless, wrong, inappropriate

Word : Aptitude

Synonyms : ability, bent, telent

Antonyms : inability, dislike, distaste

Word : Artificial

Synonyms : fake, false, bogus

Antonyms : genuine, natural, real

Word : Assert

Synonyms : declare, state, maintain

Antonyms : disown, refuse, deny

Word : Attach

Synonyms : join, add, connect

Antonyms : detach, separate, dissociate

Word : Attack

Synonyms : raid, strike, invasion

Antonyms : protect, shelter, guard

Word : Attention

Synonyms : carefulness, concentration

Antonyms : carelessness, negligence

Word : Attractive

Synonyms : fair, beautiful, pleasing

Antonyms : ugly, repulsive

Word : Average

Synonyms : ordinary, normal, mean

Antonyms : extraordinary, great, unusual

Word : Avoid

Synonyms : avert, shirk

Antonyms : contact, follow, attract

Word : Awake

Synonyms : ready, attentive, watchful

Antonyms : dull, lazy, dormant

Word : Awkward

Synonyms : unskilled, graceless, coarse

Antonyms : easy, adopt, skillful


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