Practice set for use of articles (a, an, the ) part 2

 Article Practice set 2

1. This is ________book.

2. I live in ______village.

3. _______Koran is a holy book.

4. _________Ganga is a holy river.

5. A dog is ______faithful animal.

6. _______ring is made of gold.

7. ______ sun rises in ______east.

8. Give me _____glass of water .

9. He is ______ B.A.

10. He gave me _______apple.

11. I have seen  ______ Kutub Miner.

12. He is  _______ FRCS.

13. He plays _______ guitar.

14. He is ______ heir to a great wealth.

15. We went to _______UK.

16. _________European lives in that room.

17. There is  ________university of Kalyani.

18. Do not tell ______ lie.

19. Write ______ letter to your headmaster of your school.

20. ________ Times of India is ______daily newspaper.

Answers : 1. a,  2. a,  3. The,   4. The,  5. a,  6. The,  7. The ,The.  8. a, 9. a, 10. an, 11. The, 12. an, 13. The, 14. an, 15. The,  16. a, 17. a, 18. a, 19. a, 

20. The , a


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