What is voice (Basic information) and types of voice

Voice :

Voice is the form of the verb which indicates whether the subject does the work or something has been done to it.

There are two types of voice:

 Active voice.

 Passive voice.

Active voice: যখন sentence এ subject সক্রিয়ভাবে কাজ করে তখন verb টির Active voice হয় । 


Subject + verb + object.

Example: we play football. 

Passive voice: যে sentence এ subject সক্রিয় ভাবে কাজ করে না, object এর কাজ subject এর উপর এসে পড়ে , তখন সেই sentence এর varb টির passive voice হয়।


Object + be verb + verb এর past participle+ by+ subject.

Example: Football is played by us .


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