Practice set for use of articles (a, an, the or zero article) part 1

 Practice set of Articles Part 1

1. He plays ________ piano.

2. Iron is  _______useful metal.

3. He is _________MBBS.

4. Give me ______ one-rupee note.

5. It goes 50 miles by _______ gallon

6. ______water of _______ Ganga is holy.

7. _________ cow gives us milk.

8. He is ______ engineer.

9. I have seen _________Kutub Miner.

10. Do not run in ______sun.

11. He is _________honest man.

12. He goes to work by ______bus.

13. She lives in ________small village.

14. They've got ________ idea.

15. He is _________funny.

16. ________India is a beautiful country.

17. I purchased ______dozen banana.

18. He is _______best student in _____ class.

19. I am ________ Happy Prince. 

20. ______tree requires more water in ____ 

hilly area. 

21. She plays ______tanpura well. 

22. Rambabu teaches us ________ English.

23. I had _______headache yesterday.

24. We went to visit _______Tajmahal.

25. Complete ______sentences with _______information from _______text.

Answers : 

1. The

2. A

3. An

4. A

5. The

6. The ,The

7. The

8. An

9. The

10. The

11. An

12. X

13. A

14. An

15. X

16. The

17. A

18. The, The

19. The

20. A, The

21. The

22. X

23. A

24. The

25. The, X, The


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