
Showing posts from August, 2021

List of opposite words (A to D)

    Opposite words             (A to D) Here you will find a table of words and their opposites. Opposites formed by prefixes (dis-, ex-, im-, in-, irr-, un- etc.) are not listed here. A about - exactly above - below absence - presence abundance - lack to accept - to refuse accidental - intentional active- lazy to add - to subtract to admit - to deny adult - child advanced - elementary affirmative - negative afraid - brave after - before against - for alike - different alive - dead all - none to allow - to forbid already - not yet always - never ancient - modern ancestor - descendant to agree - to refuse, to argue amateur - professional to amuse - to bore ancestor - descendant angel - devil animal - human to annoy - to satisfy to answer - to ask answer - question antonym - synonym apart - together approximately - exactly to argue - to agree to arrest - to free, to set free arrival - departure to arrive - to depart, to leave artificial - natural ascent - descent to ask - to answer aslee

19 August 2021 Current affairs

  19 August 2021 current affairs: 1. Tamil Nadu has become the third state to present a separate agricultural budget that features schemes for the overall development of the farm sector in the state. DMK government presented the budget and fulfilled its poll promise. Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka were the only states that presented their own agricultural budget. 2. Aligarh’s Zila Panchayat Parishad has passed a proposal to rename Aligarh as Harigarh. The proposal which was passed unanimously has not been sent to the UP Government for the final decision. If it gets passed, it will add to a long list of places that have been renamed in UP under Yogi Adityanath. 3. The Supreme Court has allowed women to appear for the National Defence Academy Exam, which was reserved for boys. The exam is scheduled to be on September 5, 2021. The written NDA exam is conducted by UPSC and is for entry into the National Defence Academy. 4. India (364, 298/8 declared) defeats hosts England (391, 120) by 151 r

List of One Word Substitution for “Individual Character/ Person/ People”

  List of One Word Substitution for “Individual Character/ Person/ People” One who is not sure about God's existence Agnostic A person who deliberately sets fire to a building Arsonist One who does a thing for pleasure and not as a profession Amateur One who can use either hand with ease Ambidextrous One who makes an official examination of accounts Auditor A person who believes in or tries to bring about a state of lawlessness Anarchist A person who has changed his faith Apostate One who does not believe in the existence of God Atheist A person appointed by two parties to solve a dispute Arbitrator One who leads an austere life Ascetic One who does a thing for pleasure and not as a profession Amateur One who can either hand with ease Ambidextrous An unconventional style of living Bohemian One who is bad in spellings Cacographer One who feeds on human flesh Cannibal A person who is blindly devoted to an idea/ A person displaying aggressive or exaggerated patriotism Chauvinist A cri